How To Grow A Business Using Modern Marketing Practices

Growing a business online is not at all complicated if you know the how-to’s. Unfortunately, not everybody does – and that’s what makes many businesses fail or lose in front of their competitors. Your business needs constant attention, so making sure that you are updated on the latest marketing trends is a must.

Your marketing strategy needs constant upgrade, since this is crucial to boosting your traffic. This article discusses the top five marketing strategies trending now. Check them out, apply those valuable to your business model, and keep us updated on how it goes!

Social media marketing

Your first go-to is social media marketing, since social media is such an important tool for your business. Platforms such as Facebook or Instagram should be familiar to you. You must learn how to promote on these platforms and ensure that you can reach a broad audience. A good social media marketing strategy can help you:

  • Improve brand awareness by ensuring that your company’s voice is heard. Creating a logo and a nice brand name is a great start.

  • Generate new leads and boost conversions. That means you’ll reach new audiences and expand your clientele. A good way to get started on this is Instagram giveaways, for example. However, there are other options available if anything.

  • Connect directly with your customers. Direct contact should be one of your goals in your social media marketing campaign. Your customers must know they’re valuable to you.

  • Learn from your competition by researching the market. This might sound old, but you know by now that old is gold. You must continuously research the market to look for better ways to expand your reach.

Email marketing

Many times underrated, your email marketing strategy is crucial to your success. It is the easiest and cheapest way of reaching your audience, so it’s important to ensure that you’ve got this covered. Your first goal is to build an email list. If you’re already there, your next target is reaching out to your audience as often as possible (however, not too often since you might bore them).

Analyze the market and divide your audience into demographic chunks. Learn each one of your group’s tastes and needs and start creating emails for each of them separately. Personalize your emails and make sure that they’re attractive to every particular group. You can check out MailChimp’s guide on the newest email marketing strategy.

Promotional ads

Your social media marketing campaign is closely tied to Internet ads. You can use the platforms you’re expanding on to create new content and place ads that bring customers back to your page. Of course, this won’t be cheap. Most social media platforms ask for substantial investment in this type of marketing. If this is not where you are right now, don’t worry about it yet. However, if you’ve got some capital, you should get started on this brand-new strategy asap.

Your go-to should be Instagram Ads, Facebook Ads, and Google Ads. This is your foundation; this is where you start. From this point on, you should only invest in ads if it truly brings value to your business (because these three platforms will do that for sure).

Product placement

One of the newest marketing strategies is product placement. This hasn’t been used as much in the past, but it’s quickly becoming one of the fastest emerging trends. Product placement means simply placing your ad at the beginning of a YouTube video and promoting your product or service for YouTube customers (literally everyone using the wide web). Of course, there are costs attached to this strategy, but if you can afford it, go for it.

Video marketing

To promote your brand, your best choice is video marketing. Written content is great for boosting ranking on Google, but video content brings your game to another level. Videos are entertaining, cool, and catchy. Think about it this way – everyone likes watching movies, so why not convert your brand awareness strategy to a video-based one? Customers love videos that are well-scripted and of high-quality. Offer them the option to see what your business is all about by exposing your ideas visually. They’ll love it!

Wrapping Up

Your modern marketing strategy should include all the elements discussed above. For starters, it should include social media and email marketing, and building on that, it should expand with promotional and video marketing. Don’t forget about product placement – it truly helps get the word out in the online world.

Ashley Simmons

Ashley Simmons is a professional journalist and editor for Assignment Masters – one of the best dissertation writing services. She has been working in a newspaper in Salt Lake City for 4 years. She is also a content writing expert in such topics as psychology, modern education, business and marketing innovations. She is a master in her craft.


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